第162章 我很羡慕她第2/3段
“Thank you Sweetie.”温颂笑了,轻轻把兮兮抱在怀里,玩着她的丸子头说,“你的头发也很漂亮,好可爱的小丸子头。”
“Of course my sweetie.”温颂立刻答应了,让兮兮躺在她和程澈的膝盖上,轻轻给她拍着背,给她讲故事,
“Artemis grew up on the beautiful island of Delos, where the silver light of the moon would dance upon the waters. As a child, she was gifted with beauty and strength, but it was her fierce independence that set her apart. She loved to roam the forests and mountains, her heart beating in harmony with the wild places of the earth….”
(阿耳忒弥斯在美丽的德洛斯岛上长大,在那里,月亮的银光会在水面上翩翩起舞。 孩提时代,她就拥有美丽和力量的天赋,但与众不同的是她强烈的独立性。 她喜欢在山林间漫游,她的心与大地的荒野和谐地跳动着…)
她的语调缓慢轻声,配着她稍显清冷的嗓音,更显温柔,那是程澈未曾见过的温颂,在emsp;“Artemis grew up on the beautiful island of Delos, where the silver light of the moon would dance upon the waters. As a child, she was gifted with beauty and strength, but it was her fierce independence that set her apart. She loved to roam the forests and mountains, her heart beating in harmony with the wild places of the earth….”