第26章 震撼发声,地球的真相!第2/4段

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  【这就是为什么你们的喜马拉雅山上会发现热带海洋古生物化石】this is why tropical ocean paleontological fossils can be found on your himalayas.

  【如今,2.5亿年过去,我们天道文明历经了1.25亿光年的超时空远航,再次降临你们地球。】Now, 250 million years have passed, and our heavenly way civilization has undergone a super-time and space voyage of 125 million light-years and has once again descended upon your Earth.

  【温馨提示:不要害怕,不要害怕,不要害怕。】warm reminder: don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

  【作为宇宙中的高等文明,我们一向保持着礼尚往来,有恩必还的宗旨。】As a high-level civilization in the universe, we have always maintained the purpose of courtesy requires a return of kindness and a favor must be returned.

  【我们这次降临地球的目的,便是将2.5亿年前使用的地核能量全部返还给你们。】the purpose of our descent to the Earth this time is to return all the earth core energy used 250 million years ago to you.

  【所以这也是为什么你们地球上近期出现了大量的变异怪兽和拥有超能力的人类。】thus, this is also the cause why a large number of mutant monsters and humans with super powers have emerged on your Earth recently.

  【这就是地核超能引发的链式反应结果。】this is the result of the chain reaction caused by the earth core super energy.

  【大约在2.5亿年前,你们的盘古大陆虽然是一个整体,但是大陆内部也存在着一些裂缝,这些裂缝将你们的盘古大陆分成了四大部洲。】About 250 million years ago, although your pangu continent was a whole, there were also some cracks within the continent, which divided your pangu continent into four major continents.

  【具体来划分,可以有四大部洲,分别是东胜神洲,西牛贺洲,南赡部洲,北俱芦洲。】Specifically, it can be divided into four major continents, namely, the Eastern blessed divine continent, the western ox and Joy continent, the Southern contemplation continent, and the Northern All-containing continent.

  【在你们地球上的远古时期,有一部古籍名为《山海经》记载着各种灵兽异兽,其实这些就是盘古大陆的古世界生物。】In tinent, which divided your pangu continent into four major continents.

